What Do I Have to Offer in a Relationship?

What Do I Have to Offer in a Relationship?

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I am honest about my concerns when they arise.

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I know what my partner needs from me to feel loved and understood.

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I strive for more positive interactions in our relationship.

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I am willing to give and take so that we can both win in a negotiation.

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If I feel jealous, I can talk to my partner about my concerns.

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I threaten to end our relationship when we argue.

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I have healthy relationships outside of my partner.

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I do not engage in name-calling, put downs, humiliation, coercion, manipulation or domination.

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I give to my partner everything that i expect to receive in the relationship

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I know that I am responsible for meeting my own emotional needs.

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I do not keep score or try to get even in my relationship.

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I understand that we must nurture our relationship in order for it to grow and develop.

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When I make a mistake, let him/her down or hurt them, I quickly make amends.

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I can forgive my partner when s/he makes a mistake, lets me down or hurts me.

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I enjoy quality time with my partner.

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