I am going into my sixth year of having my practice (woohoo), I do this exclusively- this is not a side hustle. I am sooo incredibly happi to have the amazing clients that I do have and where I am in my business, but there are five things that I wish I focused on at the beginning.
These are my top 4, and there are more but, these make life less stressful, more fun, and increased my efficiency and profits.
- Keep Yourself organized – this is where the majority of people start off losing from the beginning. If you know, you are going to be successful, and you will be successful! Why else would you get into business! So make sure you start at the beginning when it is easier to control things. Even if you have already started, you can still get a handle on things. There are so many tools out there to make sure you have a smooth and easy workflow.
I use Trello for my projects, MileIQ for my travel and IFTTT to keep track of activities and actions.
- Have some way of keeping track of your time!!! AKA a calendar tool. Your time is precious; in fact, it is the most valuable thing in this life. Make sure you are in control of your time and your business. Don’t let time bully you; tell time what to do. Use Google calendar or Icalendar at the very least. I use Acuity so clients/meetings can go to my calendar and find a time that works best for them based on what my availability is. Did you get it? Around MY availability. Keep control of your time, or you will lose control of it. A calendar that you are in control of is an exercise in boundaries. I do recognize not every industry can have a schedule like this, but you can document when and where you are going to be. In this case, a paper calendar works wonders.
I use Acuity <-Click here to check it out
It integrates perfectly with my Google calendar! Customizable to your brand, insanely easy to use and a massive bonus for me is you can add forms to different types of appointments you have. Ex
- Unless you are numbers person leave the bookkeeping to the professionals – I know that this goes without being said but track your expenses. I mean, be cognizant of what goes in and out. It is not a sexy subject, I know, but it is an important topic. The next level is this let a professional handle your bookkeeping. For three years, I was doing all my bookkeeping and was a complete stress ball. I am incredibly qualified in so many fields from all my experiences in life, but finances are not one of them. It was a huge relief not to have to go through receipts and use different apps to see what I was spending every month. Save yourself the headache, having your time back, and decrease the stress hire an accountant. It is more affordable than you think. Like when I started handing my accounting over, I was like, “why did I not do this before?” Trust me, it one of the best things I could have done.
I use Bench <-Click here to check it out
It is an online platform, so no need to go to any office! They are incredibly helpful, fast, and make sure you understand everything. A huge bonus is you are working with a real person with unlimited support. You will be telling me “thank you” come tax season.
- Now this one is simple and straightforward, but I must warn you it is not easy. You have to create space to think, rest, and breathe. Like literally embrace this reality. You created this business/platform based upon your thoughts; your thoughts inspired you; your thoughts created a plan based. As you continue to go, grow, and evolve, this is critical to make more significant adjustments and more changes. With breaks to walk, rest, or do something fun, success comes so much faster. It’s about working smart before you work hard. There is so much research out there that supports this. Early on, I was burning the candle at both ends, missing meals, and no me time. Sure, that is necessary at times, but it is not sustainable. I started making mistakes, forgetting things being tired all the time. I stopped seeing opportunities to some degree. I needed to make a massive change in how I was showing up. So what did I do? I took/take naps; I go to the park, watch Youtube, etc. These things created more space for my brain and body to relax and let more creativity and opportunities “Flow” to me. It is not “Lazy” or “Selfish” to prioritize you!
Now it is up to you…What are you going to do with this information you just read? Are you going just to read this and do nothing with it?
Of course not!
Just taking one of these tips can make a huge difference in your workload!
What tools do you use?
Shine Bright, smile more, smile often