Low Self Esteem Assessment Low Self Esteem Assessment I see myself as unworthy. True False I avoid social contact with peers. True False I avoid trying new things as I am sure to fail. True False I have trouble accepting compliments. True False I see myself as unattractive, disgusting orotherwise unappealing. True False I see myself as unimportant. True False I make negative, hurtful or belittling remarksabout myself to myself or others. True False I fear not being liked by others. True False I have trouble saying ‘no’ to others. True False I do things I regret later to be accepted. True False I go out of my way to please others. True False I am afraid of being rejected by my peers or even strangers. True False It is difficult for me to see the positive traits about myself. True False I do things to get attention. True False I am a loser. True False Type Your E-mail To See Your Results Restart quiz