Lies You Believe: Create Your Own Happiness

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2022 happy new year symbol. Businessman turns a cube, symbolize the change from 2021 to the new year 2022. Beautiful grey background. Copy space.Create Your own happiness

Do you know the secret to finding and maintaining and the steps to take to create your own happiness? It’s something that has been around for decades, but it still continues today. The saying “happiness is a choice” means we control our own emotions–so what are they going through in their lives if yours aren’t balanced out?

What Is Owning Your Happiness?

Create Your Own Happiness Blocks
Make your own path symbol. Wooden blocks with words \’Make your own path\’. Male hand. Beautiful orange background. Business and make your own path concept. Copy space.

“Happiness” has been used in the past, but it is now more widely known as “individual well-being.” It can be defined as:

“The state of being happy, satisfied, or fulfilled with oneself and one’s everyday life.”

Your approach for value may be different from someone else’s because you are an individual with distinct experiences and beliefs. The path to happiness is a personal journey, and each person’s definition of the word will vary. However, there are some universal aspects that we can all experience: It could be money, fame, mental health, or relationships with others.

Own Your Happi is also an online wellness center that is designed around you and your happiness. You are guaranteed to find your personal definition of happiness and so much more. Learn how to Own Your Happi Here.

Is It Possible To Create Your Happiness?

You never know what you’re capable of until it’s done. True happiness is possible and achievable, but not without a lot of work on our end. The crux of the matter is to figure out what makes you happy, then do more of it.

Everyone wants to be happy every day, but what does it take for you? Some people might say that happiness is achieved by having a good job. Someone else will insist that living in an expensive house and traveling worldwide are necessary components of their exactly that life story.

Others may argue that contentment is found in one’s family or doing activities they enjoy.

Some Points That “They” Will Not Tell You When Your Create Your Own Happiness

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Shh gesture neon sign. Female hand, index finger on pink lips. Gestures concept. Vector illustration in neon style, glowing element for topics like silence, quiet, secret

Happiness is not a goal you work toward. It’s the path to getting there that makes it worth walking. We talked about this in a previous blog post – check it out here

– Einstein, who also said this was his motivation for creating modern physics: “I am happy.” Happiness will find those with open hearts and minds; if you’re prudish or judgmental about others then maybe your mind needs more room in which creativity can grow? Happiness may seem like some faraway trip at first – but really all we have are our thoughts (which make up everything!) so when these change from negative into positive ones things start happening!

But there are some pesky prevalent lies out there, and let’s list them. There are lots of schools of thought surrounding this but let’s put everything into a list with the actual truths. We will expand on each of those right below.

  • You have to work hard – You have to be intentional.
  • You have to be patient – You have to be consistent.
  • You will have to change all your habits – Change your habits slowly.
  • You will have to make sacrifices – You will have to make changes.
  • Reward yourself once a month or less – Reward yourself daily.

Now let’s go through and reveal the truth about Own Your Happiness.

1.  You Have To Work Hard – No Just Be Intentional

Happiness is not just a destination; But also a journey that never ends. Intend on the outcome you want vs. drifting through life.

You have to put effort into looking after yourself, and it takes a lot of patience to wait for the ideal chances.

You have to be prepared to let go of what you want and think you deserve to focus on what you want and require. But without intention, that’s when it gets hard. So choose the easy way and be intentional.

2.  You Have To Be Patient – You Have To Be Consistent

Patience is one of the essential ingredients for your happiness. BUT, if you are not consistent what exactly are you being patient for then?

Patience is one of the best important factors in a better own life. It can lead anywhere from feeling isolated down an even darker path than before. It will help you learn how to deal with people who don’t understand or appreciate what it’s like.

So there is patience but without consistency, you are only getting 1/4 of the truth. Being consistent is of the utmost importance to create your own happiness.

3.  You Will Have To Change All Your Habits – Change Your Habits Slowly

You’ll have to modify your behavior when you develop your pleasure. That is the truth.

To be happy, you need a positive mindset. You can’t achieve happiness on unhappy feelings. Again the truth.

You have to be mindful of your thoughts and actions. Also, you have to know the difference between what is helpful for you versus something that’s not so great.” Yes, again the truth.

You will have to be more present-moment and live in the exact moment. TRUTH.

But the lie comes in with thinking you have to hurry up and change everything all at once.

That will make you fall faster than anything. Slow and steady wins the race, this is the reason how many people actually win the new years resolution struggle. They take it slow. If you do too much too fast = fail.

4.   You Will Have To Make Sacrifices – You Will Have To Make Changes

This is another lie for you. If you want to be happy every day, you must make sacrifices.

For example, When you are simply attempting to generate money and nothing more, you are not providing joy.

Truth is, once your brain hears the word sacrifice, it immediately goes into “I am not going to let go” mode. Which works against all the happiness you are going for. You are not sacrificing you are changing.

You are not giving up being negative, you are focusing on CHANGING to be more positive. Make your brain work with you, not against you.

5.  Reward Yourself Quarterly – Reward Yourself Daily!

Make sure you reward yourself regularly if you want to live a life of your own. It would be beneficial if you remember that creating happiness is consistent practice. And for real change to stick faster, keep focusing on the positive.

Consider that it took you about a year to get to your current level of pleasure. Imagine if you celebrated EVERY DAY?! Good, great or indifferent but you still celebrated, would that day really be bad then? NO way!

The key to achieving your greatest happiness is to be patient – but patient with yourself and understand you can be happier A LOT faster with more rewards/celebration. Accept that you will achieve your full potential, and understand that it might take time.

By rewarding yourself daily, you make the changes happen even faster. Try it and find out!

How can I be the source of create happiness?

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Write your story symbol. Words \’Write your story\’ typed on retro typewriter. Business and write your story concept. Copy space.

 It’s not easy to be the source of your pleasure. This goal necessitates a significant amount of practice and time.

There are some things that you can do to increase your happiness level:

Exercise Regularly. It has been linked to increased happiness.

Get enough sleep at night. A low time of sleep has been linked with depression and anxiety. So make sure you get enough rest each day for optimum better health.

Reduce your alcohol consumption or stop altogether.

According to a study conducted by the University of South Australia, drinking alcohol decreases happiness levels over time. Your current level of expertise, for example, as well as your moods, motivation, self-esteem, and decision-making skills.

Is Happiness A Choice?

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Choice of solutions, paths, strategies. Sneakers and arrows in different directions on asphalt. The concept of choice. Business. Job.

Happiness is not a choice. It’s not something you can choose or earn; it’s simply there waiting for you. I know some people believe that mantra, but I know firsthand that it is not. Hear me out.

People are always on the lookout for happiness in various ways, but nothing seems to work. Sound familiar? Well if you were in an environment where all you knew was negative when you hear that happiness is a choice it can be slightly insulting.

Thinking all you have to do is make this “choice” and life will be better, no. However, I think a more accurate phrase is happiness is something you practice.

Create Your Own Happiness – Now

You’re not on your own when it comes to finding happiness. We created an online wellness center for You, designed around YOU because it’s all about you!

Own Your Happi is perfect for anyone who wants the fast track to figuring out what makes them happy, confident, and so much more. Learn about it here

These methods might not seem like a big deal at first. But, in the long term, they’ll make a significant impact on your life and the decisions you make. Go ahead and Own Your Happi!