Is He the One for Me?

Is He the One for Me?

1 / 15

I like most of his friends.

2 / 15

Most of my friends like him.

3 / 15

He likes most of my friends.

4 / 15

We agree on our respective roles in a relationship.

5 / 15

He does not expect nor need me to make him happy.

6 / 15

His parents like each other.

7 / 15

If his parents are divorced, it is civilized.

8 / 15

We agree on having children (or not).

9 / 15

We agree on religious issues, or agree to disagree.

10 / 15

We agree on political issues, or agree to disagree.

11 / 15

We have similar thoughts and practices about money.

12 / 15

We agree on important financial matters.

13 / 15

I am relatively sure that he has no big secrets lurking in the shadows.

14 / 15

He is not overly clingy or too aloof.

15 / 15

We have had fights, and he fights fair.

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