Increasing Your Happiness IQ ASSESSMENT Increasing Your Happiness IQ ASSESSMENT 1 / 16 I look for the best in everyone. True False 2 / 16 I can find the ‘silver lining’ in most bad situations. True False 3 / 16 I give people the benefit of the doubt. True False 4 / 16 I generally see the glass as half full. True False 5 / 16 I can name three things I am grateful for most days. True False 6 / 16 I practice some form of spirituality or religion. True False 7 / 16 I believe that past hurts should remain in the past. True False 8 / 16 I try to forgive and forget, but learn from my experiences. True False 9 / 16 I do my best not to overthink things. True False 10 / 16 I take care of my physical needs regularly. True False 11 / 16 I have plenty of social support. True False 12 / 16 I reach out to others to connect (not only when I need something). True False 13 / 16 I am kind to people most of the time. True False 14 / 16 I know how to calm and soothe myself when needed. True False 15 / 16 I engage in things that I enjoy regularly. True False 16 / 16 If I offend or hurt someone, I make amends as soon as possible. True False LinkedIn Facebook Twitter VKontakte