How to build self confidence in 10 minutes or less

burning piece of paper saying you are not good enough How to build self confidence

How to build self confidence in 10 minutes or less

Do you feel like your self confidence is getting the best of YOU? This can happen to anyone, and it may seem impossible at first. Fortunately, there are some quick ways we could fix this problem in just 10 minutes or less!

Self-assuredness is a necessary condition for a happy and successful existence. Many individuals feel inadequate in themselves, but no one teaches you how to build self confidence but that is about to change.

This blog article is about building self confidence in 10 minutes or less.

In the following blog post, we will explore some steps that you can take today to boost your self-esteem and self confidence and feel good about yourself again.

8 Ways to Improve self confidence

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A name tag that says low self esteem

Here are eight methods for boosting your self-esteem. Let’s dive deep into it.

1.  Say Yes to yourself

When you have a great idea but feel worried about receiving it, the best thing to do is just get them out of their shell. Tell yourself that they will say “yes” if they really want this project or product because people love new ideas. Just don’t do negative self-talk.

It’s a fantastic feeling when you feel confident about yourself. The bathroom can help. Take time for self-love in the morning and night by nodding your head at mirrors. Closing your eyes while looking into them or even just saying “I know what I’m thinking right now sounds good.”  Many excellent qualities exist in every company believer. And it costs a million bucks.

2.  Compare Yourself to Your Favorite Celebrities

If you’re feeling a little down and don’t know what to do, just following Beyoncé on Instagram might help. It turns out that the best way for people with low self confidence is not envying her dance moves. But instead looking at some similarities between ourselves in work or personal life as well. It’s a HUGE tip when you are looking at how to build self confidence.

She has shown throughout her professional career as an artist that she is interested in serving others and believes in doing good work.

The same-sex celebrities that many people identify as role models for their sexuality often offer words of encouragement to those struggling in private moments throughout the day.

It made them feel more capable of becoming who they are best suited to be.

3.  Get Dressed Up properly

Woman trying clothing looking in mirror adjusting dress. Beautiful young multiethnic girl.

The voice of your inner self-doubt is sometimes hard to hear. You might feel lost, unproductive, and lazy when in reality you just need a little boost from yourself.

Help bring out the own confidence that lies within by letting go of what makes us happy; it’s ok if we take some time for ourselves every now again because this will make our lives better overall.

Some of us prefer to get dressed up and go out again. But there is also the odd occasion when you just want to put on a comfortable outfit and stay in for the day.

So Get up, put on some clothes, and make yourself feel good before you sit down to do your daily chores.

4.  Write An Empowerment List

I’m so excited to share this with you. I just came up with an idea for journaling that has really helped me. It’s called empowerment list and it consists of listing all the positive affirmations about yourself or a specific topic. Like love for example (or anything else).

For example, the skills and talents you want to pursue in your work. This to-do list will help you a lot.

Journaling is all about how to build self confidence, and the best way to get it? Talk up your accomplishments. Write out 10 things you love about yourself.

It may be difficult at first, but with time practicing this technique, you will gain a new sense of empowerment. It will assist us to feel confident in ourselves.

5.  Your Tribe Creates Your Vibe

The people you spend the most time with have a huge impact on your self confidence. If those friends are always negative and full of themselves, it will be hard for them to grow into being confident too.

And the positive affirmations and environments that encourage development may be beneficial.

We all want to be around people who make us feel good. When you’re with these individuals, your own outlook on life will likely improve as well.

The people who love you should be there to lift your spirits when times get rough. They provide the key that helps balance out negative thoughts and self-love grow stronger. And it can help with staying positive in life overall.

6.  Take Action, Even When You’re Scared

Portrait of young woman hides face and looks through fingers. Self-doubt and low self-esteem concept

You may be scared and uncomfortable, but once you’ve done it – there’s no going back. You’ll feel so much more confident in your abilities to take on new challenges when the time is right!

The best way for you personally has been to get out of your comfort zone by trying something different each day. Whether writing an essay about a topic outside what you usually write about.

Strange things are crucial to increasing your confidence, yet they make us feel good about ourselves when we do them. So go ahead and take a risk.

7.  Drink a glass of water

Why is it that we always find time to do the things we know are good for us but can be so tough? That’s true of Navy Seals and others who make a habit out of taking care of themselves.

In no scenario will you need to clean your teeth or provide attention in the morning. Because we don’t replace the fluid that is lost during sleep. It improves the efficiency of our brains, which is crucial for confidence.

You can do it. The present moment is all you have. Taking a break from rushing will ensure your confidence stays strong and healthy for the long haul. Maybe even check this review we did of drinking Chlorophyll water, its a quick video – you might be surprised.

8.  Check your progress

closeup of a caucasian man showing a gray building block with the text self-esteem written in it, on a dark gray surface

We’re all on a fantastic journey, but it can be difficult. The good thing about this is that by reviewing your Confidence Contract in each morning routine. You’ll see how far we’ve come and what progress has been made.

Take time to give yourself credit for taking steps towards achieving goals. No matter how small they may seem at first glance, this will increase your self-esteem and keep you motivated.

Put Everything Together

You can’t dispute the fact that we all desire more, especially about how to build self confidence. In this world, we are constantly judged. Sometimes for no apparent reason, and you have to feel good about yourself to be able to do so. It will feel better about your life as well.

While some may feel that it takes years to develop real confidence, there are several methods to do so in ten minutes or less. In our article today, we share some simple ways to boost your confidence starting now.

What would happen if you felt more confident? How has low self-esteem impacted your life? Let’s find out together at Own Your Happi we take the guesswork out of your happi and give you step-by-step instructions. All you have to do is take a deep breath and click. We take care of all the heavy lifting!